11000 Beograd, Pančevački put 104A

  • Quality


    Thanks to investment for improve product qualityand production process, the plant received Certificate of Quality Menagement System ISO 9001:2000


    Achieved the conditions for CE mark labeling products, the implementation of the Directive Council of the European Union during the design and production of heaters.


    The production is designed to takes care of environmental requirements of enviromental protection.


    All products sre made from high quality materials in accordance with the technical requirements and tested in the laboratory of the institute of "Kvalitet" Nis.


    Electric heating elements are produced and controlled according to standard EN 60 335. Each product is subject to checks dielectric strength, checks insulation resistance, measurement of draint current, measuring the power of the heater, examination and testing physical caracteristics (shape, dimension, mechanical and welded joints).

    The high quality of the final product is assured high standardization throughout the production process starting from control of input material, control of the product during the manufacturing process and final control in accordance with the procedures for control. 


  • warranty


    For all electric heating elements which we produce, we give a limited warranty for defects in materials and functionality for a period depending on the type of heating element. Complaints are accepted on the condition that the buyer complied with the instruction for user-the heater worked in the middle of which is intended for and that he was connected to the voltage of the heater marked. The warranty applies to the certified invoice and warranty card. Each heater will work properly if you comply with the instruction for its installation and use:

    • turn on heaters on the voltage indicated the label
    • before installing heating element, turn off device 
    • don't turn on immersion heater with out water
    • heaters intended for heating the air in the course of employment does not cover
    • use only heaters in the devices which they are intended 
    • heaters for special purpose consult our expert
    Mechanical demage resulting from the use are not subject warranty.
    For all the complaints that have not been caused by improper installation and use, the manufacturer provides a warranty replacement heater.